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March 04, 2007

A Crazy Tour

Nancy isn't here. 

She is holed up in a hotel for a weekend of writing.  That's right----no hotel sex, no late nite movies.  No e-mail! Just a Do Not Disturb sign dangling on the door handle and lots of writing going on.

                           Go to fullsize image

Her new book, A CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED DEATH, will be released at a wingding party at the Mystery Lovers Bookshop on Monday, March 5 at 7pm. (After a weekend of being cooped up with her laptop, you can bet Nancy will be ready to par-tay!) If you can't be there, consider ordering your own autographed copy directly from the store.

But if you live in any of these cities, how about helping Nancy launch the book on your turf:

Monday, March 5, 7pm
Oakmont, PA
Saturday, March 10, 12:30
Seattle, WA
Sunday, March 11, 5pm
Portland, OR
Tuesday, March 13, 7pm
801 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy
Louisville, KY
Wednesday, March 14
Lexington, KY
Thursday, March 15, 7pm
Cincinnati, OH

Later in the month, we'll post more bookstore appearances for Nancy and all of the Tarts.

If you're a paperback person, please note that the paperback of HAVE YOUR CAKE AND KILL HIM TOO is also being released this week.  At bookstores everywhere. 9780451220417


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Wow - that's quite a lot of miles, Nancy.

Can't wait to see you and the Crazy orange book tomorrow night.

Hope you are in a writing frenzy.

Kathy, those of us who can't attend the party tomorrow would dearly love a Full Report. With photos. Once you sober up, of course. Capice?

Have a great time in Portland, Nancy! Hope the sun shines for you. Murder by the Book is one of my favorite stores. The owners respect the genre and love to talk about it...get a sweatshirt while you're there! I'll send my Portland connection to get a copy! Travel safe.

Is anyone coming to Boston or Providence?!

Happy writing, Nancy!

Yes, Ma'am.

Good luck with the writing, Nancy. But not even a little hotel sex? Now that's a waste of the room.

Who goes to a hotel and doesn't have sex?

I've said it before and I'll probably say it again: you people worry me. Seriously.

Nancy, you mentioned you were shocked by the color of the cover of your book. It looks delightful to me. I haven't seen a real copy yet. But here in the south we wouldn't call that orange. It's a lovely deep coral.

Hi Nancy, Look forward to picking up my autographed copy in Seattle!

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